Lei Zhu, Deming Dong, Xiuyi Hua*, Yang Xu, Zhiyong Guo, Dapeng Liang. Ammonia nitrogen removal and recovery from acetylene purification wastewater by air stripping. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 75(11): 2538-2545. (SCI)
政芳, 李一楠, 陈渊, 花修艺, 董德明, 梁大鹏,郭志勇. 生物扰动下水/沉积物体系中pH, DO和pCO2的变化规律. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2017, 55(3): 751-757.
张雨馨, 郭爱桐, 温亚梅, 祁子涵, 花修艺*, 梁大鹏, 董德明. 不同形态铁和锰对光照下自然水体生物膜产生H2O2及降解SDBS的影响. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2017, 55(2): 458-464.
赵天宇, 李安峰, 孙家倩, 毛丹, 张雨馨, 花修艺, 董德明, 梁大鹏. 生物活性抑制剂对光照自然水体生物膜体系产生H2O2及SDBS降解的影响. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2017, 55(1): 175-180.
Deming Dong, Liwen Zhang, Zhiyong Guo*, Xiuyi Hua. The role of extracellular polymeric substances on the sorption of pentachlorophenol onto natural biofilms in different incubation times: a fluorescence study. Chemistry and Ecology, 2017, 33(2): 131-142. (SCI)
Deming Dong, Liwen Zhang, Shuang Liu, Zhiyong Guo*, Xiuyi Hua. Antibiotics in water and sediments from Liao River in Jilin Province, China: occurrence, distribution, and risk assessment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 1202. (SCI)
邓芊, 李耀睿, 花修艺*, 董德明, 梁大鹏. 颤蚓生物扰动对Cu和Cd从上覆水向沉积物迁移的影响. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2016, 54(5): 1186-1192.
毛丹, 政芳, 赵天宇, 花修艺*, 郭志勇, 梁大鹏, 董德明. 基于平面光极技术研究颤蚓生物扰动对水中Cd2+向沉积物迁移的影响. 科学技术与工程, 2016, 16(21): 125-129.
董德明, 曹珍, 闫征楚, 花修艺*, 朱磊, 徐阳, 郭志勇, 梁大鹏. 臭氧-超声联用处理聚乙烯醇废水. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2016, 46 (4): 1191-1198.
Lei Zhu, Deming Dong, Xiuyi Hua*, Zhiyong Guo, Dapeng Liang. Ammonia nitrogen removal from acetylene purification wastewater of PVC plant by struvite precipitation. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 74(2): 508-515. (SCI)
Yaorui Li, Xiuyi Hua*, Fang Zheng, Deming Dong, Dapeng Liang, Zhiyong Guo. Effects of tubificid bioturbation on pore structures in sediment and the migration of sediment particles. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(8), 8064-8075. (SCI)
Deming Dong, Xiaoxue Liu, Xiuyi Hua, Zhiyong Guo*, Lufeng Li, Liwen Zhang, Yaojing Xie. Sedimentary record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Songhua River, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 508. (SCI)
朱磊, 曹珍, 闫征楚, 花修艺*, 董德明, 孙文田, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 次氯酸钠氧化法预处理乙炔清净废水的研究. 工业水处理, 2016, 36(01): 34-37.
李耀睿, 花修艺*, 毛丹, 政芳, 董德明, 梁大鹏. 颤蚓及其生物扰动对表层沉积物微环环境pH和溶解氧的影响. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2015, 53 (6): 1334-1340.
葛睿, 闫征楚, 曹珍, 朱磊, 花修艺*, 孙文田, 郭志勇, 梁大鹏. 聚氯乙烯离心母液的臭氧氧化法预处理研究. 环境科学与技术, 2015, 38(11): 194-199.
Deming Dong, Xiaoxue Liu, Zhiyong Guo*, Xiuyi Hua, Yulong Su, Dapeng Liang. Seasonal and spatial variations of heavy metal pollution in water and sediments of China’s Tiaozi River. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(6): 2371-2379. (SCI)
郭爱桐, 张雨馨, 赵天宇, 花修艺*, 董德明, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 光照对自然水体生物膜吸附Cu影响的初步研究. 科学技术与工程, 2015, 15(19):202-206.
李一楠, 毛丹, 政芳, 花修艺*, 郭志勇, 董德明. pCO2平面光极在生物扰动存在下水/沉积物体系中的应用. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2015, 53(4): 809-816.
董德明, 孙家倩, 赵天宇, 李明, 花修艺*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 自然水体生物膜体系中过氧化氢浓度的影响因素. 高等试玩送298元可提款化学学报, 2015, 36(7): 1337-1343. (SCI)
Zhiyong Guo, Deming Dong, Xiuyi Hua*, Liwen Zhang, Shijia Zhu, Xinhui Lan, Dapeng Liang. Cr and As decrease lindane sorption on river solids. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2015, 13(1): 111-116. (SCI)
李明, 赵天宇, 孙家倩, 花修艺*, 董德明, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 光照和自然水体生物膜存在下十二烷基苯磺酸钠降解的影响因素研究. 科学技术与工程, 2014, 14(20): 304-307.
杨凯光, 邓芊, 毛丹, 花修艺*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇, 董德明. 小分子有机酸对铁(氢)氧化物表面吸附的砷酸盐的解吸作用研究. 科学技术与工程, 2014, 14(20): 12-15.
刘宝林, 毕淑云, 董德明, 谢刘伟, 花修艺*, 董炜华. 松花江上游水体沉积物中若干重金属元素的自然背景值. 吉林农业大学学报, 2014, 36(4):454-459.
董德明, 李明, 孙家倩, 赵天宇, 花修艺*, 郭爱桐, 梁大鹏. 光照下自然水体生物膜产生H2O2及其对十二烷基苯磺酸钠降解的影响. 高等试玩送298元可提款化学学报, 2014, 35(6): 1247-125. (SCI)
李明, 毛丹, 董德明, 赵天宇, 孙家倩, 郭爱桐, 花修艺*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 自然水体生物膜形态对其生成H2O2与降解十二烷基苯磺酸钠的影响. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2014, 52 (3): 636-640.
孙莹莹, 郭爱桐, 葛睿, 花修艺*, 董德明, 郭志勇. 铁碳微电解法预处理聚氯乙烯(PVC)离心母液废水. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(4): 139-144.
周楠楠, 李一楠, 郭志勇, 李义, 花修艺*, 李耀睿, 董德明. 基于平面光极的DO二维实时监测系统在生物扰动存在下水/沉积物体系中的应用. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2014, 52 (2): 376-382.
陈会霖, 花修艺*, 陈思, 薛洪海, 张笑南, 董德明*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 辽河吉林省段干支流沉积物中氮和磷的形态与释放特征. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2014, 52 (1): 137-143.
沈万斌,周楠楠,李一楠,郭志勇,李耀睿,花修艺*,董德明. pH平面光极在生物扰动存在下水/沉积物体系中的应用. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2013, 43(3): 931-938.
Baolin Liu, Ming Li, Xiuyi Hua, Deming Dong*, Weihua Dong. Distribution and source identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons residues in different types of the topsoil collected from Jilin province, China. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(16): 8957-8960. (SCI)
董德明, 兰馨辉, 郭志勇*, 花修艺. 自然水体中三种固相物质吸附有机氯农药的动力学特征. 高等试玩送298元可提款化学学报, 2013, 34(5): 1180-1186. (SCI)
Yingying Sun, Xiuyi Hua*, Rui Ge, Aitong Guo, Zhiyong Guo, Deming Dong, Wentian Sun. Investigation on pre-treatment of centrifugal mother liquid produced in the production of polyvinyl chloride by air-Fenton technique. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(8): 5797-5805. (SCI)
Baolin Liu, Xiuyi Hua, Deming Dong*, Ming Li. Simulation study on natural attenuation of nitrobenzene in natural water. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(4):1891-1896. (SCI)
Xiuyi Hua*, Jinrui Hu, Xu Jiang, Deming Dong, Zhiyong Guo, Dapeng Liang. Adsorption of Cd to natural biofilms in the presence of EDTA: Effect of pH, concentration and component addition sequence. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(2): 1079-1088. (SCI)
Xiuyi Hua*, Deming Dong, Xiaoou Ding, Fan Yang, Xu Jiang, Zhiyong Guo. Pb and Cd binding to natural freshwater biofilms developed at different pH: The important role of culture pH. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(1): 413-420. (SCI)
Lei Zhu, Zhiyong Guo, Xiuyi Hua*, Deming Dong, Dapeng Liang, Yingying Sun. Ammonia nitrogen removal from chlor-alkali chemical industry wastewater by magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation method. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 573-574: 1096-1100.(EI)
Zhiyong Guo, Xiuyi Hua, Xinhui Lan, Yingying Sun, Deming Dong*. Evidence for a mutual effect of biofilms, suspended particles and sediments on DDT sorption. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2012, 10(4): 407-411. (SCI)
董德明*,葛淑芳,沈万斌,花修艺. 辽河吉林省段COD环境容量研究. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2012, 42(S2), pp 361-366+392. (EI)
董德明,宋兴,花修艺*,袁懋,梁建海,郭志勇,梁大鹏. 吉林省典型废水COD 与TOC 的相关关系及其形成机制和影响因素. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2012, 42(5): 1446-1455. (EI)
花修艺,董德明*,姜旭,胡津瑞,郭志勇,梁大鹏. 聚丙烯酸对自然水体生物膜吸附镉的影响研究. 高等试玩送298元可提款化学学报, 2012, 33(9): 2005-2012. (SCI)
董会军,花修艺*,贺丽,董德明*,徐志璐,梁大鹏,郭志勇. 水环境中共存重金属对不同固相物质吸附镉和铜的影响. 吉林大学学报(理学版)2012, 50(4): 822-827.
甘淑娴,郭志勇,花修艺,董德明*,李响,郭瑞敏. 有机氯农药在长春南湖表层沉积物中的生物降解动力学分析. 科学技术与工程2012, 12(20):5121-5126.
Xiuyi Hua, Ming Li, Yulong Su, Deming Dong*, Zhiyong Guo, Dapeng Liang. The degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in the presence of light and natural biofilms: the important role of photosynthesis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 229-230: 450-454. (SCI)
Xiuyi Hua, Deming Dong*, Liang Liu, Ming Gao, Dapeng Liang. Comparison of trace metal adsorption onto different solid materials and their chemical components in a natural aquatic environment. Applied Geochemistry, 2012, 27 (5): 1005-1012. (SCI)
Baolin Liu, Deming Dong, Xiuyi Hua, Jianwei Zhu*. {N'-[(2-Oxidonaphthalen-1-yl) methylidene] benzohydrazidato} (1,10-phenanthroline) copper(II) methanol monosolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E 2012, E68, M86-U870. (SCI)
Xiuyi Hua, Xiaoxue Liu, Deming Dong*, Ming Li, Yaorui Li. Sequential extraction of natural surface coatings: Comparison with single stage extraction and its application in investigating adsorption characteristics of surface coating components for metals. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2012, 28(1): 41-46. (SCI)
Hua, X., Song, X., Yuan, M., Dong, D., 2011. The factors affecting relationship between COD and TOC of typical papermaking wastewater. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 105(2): 239-244.(EI)
Ding, X., Hua, X., Zhao, F., Guo, Z., Dong, D., 2011. Sorption and desorption of DDTs to natural surface coatings. Advanced Materials Research, 322: 125-128.(EI)
Dong, D., Guo, Z., Hua, X., Lan, Y., Zhou, J., Ding, X., Qiao, Q., 2011. Sorption of DDTs on biofilms, suspended particles and river sediments: Effects of heavy metals. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 9(3): 361-367.(SCI)
Zhao, X., Dong, D., Hua, X., Dong, S., 2009. Investigation of the transport and fate of Pb, Cd, Cr(VI) and As(V) in soil zones derived from moderately contaminated farmland in Northeast, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 170(2-3): 570-577. (SCI)
Dong, D., Zhao, X., Hua, X., Liu, J., Gao, M., 2009. Investigation of the potential mobility of Pb, Cd and Cr(VI) from moderately contaminated farmland soil to groundwater in Northeast, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162(2-3): 1261-1268. (SCI)
Shen, X., Shan, X., Dong, D., Hua, X., Owens, G., 2009. Kinetics and thermodynamics of sorption of nitroaromatic compounds to as-grown and oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 330(1): 1-8.(SCI)
Guo, S., Li, Y., Liu, L., Hua, X., 2008. Adsorption of Pb and Cd on the natural surface coatings (NSCs) in the presence of organochlorine pesticides: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2008, 88(1):147-153.(SCI)
Dong, D., Zhao, X., Hua, X., Zhang, J., Wu, S., 2007. Lead and cadmium adsorption onto iron oxides and manganese oxides in the natural surface coatings collected on natural substances in the Songhua River of China. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 23(6): 659-664.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Liu, L., Hua, X., Lu, Y., 2007. Comparison of lead, cadmium, copper and cobalt adsorption onto metal oxides and organic materials in natural surface coatings. Microchemical Journal, 85(2): 270-275.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Lu, Y., Hua, X., Liu, L., Shen, X., 2006. Comparison of components and distribution of heavy metals in sediments, suspended particulate matters and surface coatings in nature waters. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 25(suppl.): 200-201.
Dong, D., Yang, F., Li, Y., Hua, X., Lü, X., Zhang, J., 2005. Adsorption of Pb, Cd to Fe, Mn oxides in natural freshwater surface coatings developed in different seasons. Journal of Environmental Science, 17(1): 30-36.(SCI收录)
Li, Y., Dong, D., Chen, L., Hua, X., 2005. Removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions by natural freshwater surface coatings. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 21(1): 53-58.(SCI收录)
Hua, X., Fei, S., Dong, D., Wang, X., Chi, X., 2005. The effect of organic ligand (EDTA) on cadmium adsorption to natural freshwater biofilms. The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology, 2(1): 591-596.(ISTP收录)
Dong, D., Hua, X.(执笔), Li, Y., Ji, L., Zhang, J., 2004. Lead adsorption capacity of different components in different natural surface coatings. Journal of Environmental Science, 16(1): 79-85.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Hua, X., Yang, F., 2004. Investigation of adsorption rates of Pb, Cd, Cu, Co and Ni to fresh-water surface coatings developed in Nanhu Lake. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 20(1): 29-31.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Hua, X.(执笔), Li, Y., Zhang, J., Yan, D., 2003. Cd adsorption properties on components in different freshwater surface coatings: The important role of ferromanganese oxides. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(18): 4106-4112.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Hua, X., 2003. Comparison of the adsorption of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and barium to freshwater surface coatings. Chemosphere, 2003, 51(5): 369-373.(SCI收录)
Li, Y., Zhang, B., Huang, G., Dong, D., Hua, X., 2003. Relationship between Pb/Cd adsorption and metal oxides on surface coatings at different depths in Lake Jingyuetan. Hydrobiologia, 494(1-3): 31-35.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Li, Y., Hua, X., Zhang, J., 2003. Comparison of Pb, Cd adsorption to surface coatings developed in natural waters with that in plant effluents. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2003, 19(4): 417-421.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Hua, X.(执笔), Li, Y., Li, Z., 2002. Lead adsorption to metal oxides and organic material of freshwater surface coatings determined using a novel selective extraction method. Environmental Pollution, 119 (3): 317-321.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Li, Y., Hua, X., 2001. Investigation of Fe, Mn oxides and organic material in surface coatings and Pb, Cd adsorption to surface coatings developed in different natural waters. Microchemical Journal, 70(1): 25-33.(SCI收录)
Dong, D., Li, Y., Zhang, B., Hua, X., Yue, B., 2001. Selective chemical extraction and separation of Mn, Fe oxides and organic material in natural surface coatings: application to the study on trace metal adsorption mechanism in aquatic environments. Microchemical Journal, 69(1): 89-94.(SCI收录)
Xiuyi Hua*, Yaorui Li, Deming Dong, Dapeng Liang, Zhiyong Guo. Effects of tubificid bioturbation on pore structures in sediment and the migration of sediment particles. Goldschmidt 2016. Yokohama, Japan. June 26-July 1, 2016.
Deming Dong*, Xu Jiang, Xiuyi Hua, Dapeng Liang, Zhiyong Guo. Effects of bacteria in lake sediments on arsenate adsorbed by iron (hydr)oxides. Goldschmidt 2016. Yokohama, Japan. June 26-July 1, 2016.
Xiuyi Hua, Deming Dong. Effects of natural biofilms on behavior of pollutants in natural water. Joint Symposium on Environment Science and Engineering, 2016. Shenyang, China. June 2, 2016.
朱磊, 董德明, 花修艺*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 催化氧化法去除电石渣浆上清液中的低价硫. 第八届全国环境化学大会, 2015年11月5-8日, 广州.
花修艺*, 李耀睿, 李一楠, 董德明, 郭志勇, 梁大鹏. 利用平面光极和微电极研究颤蚓对水沉积物体系微环境特征的影响. 第八届全国环境化学大会, 2015年11月5-8日, 广州.
闫征楚, 孙文田, 董德明, 花修艺*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 非均相催化臭氧氧化降解PVC离心母液. 第八届全国环境化学大会, 2015年11月5-8日, 广州.
姜旭, 花修艺, 董德明*, 梁大鹏, 郭志勇. 耐砷微生物对三种铁(氢)氧化物所吸附砷的影响. 第八届全国环境化学大会, 2015年11月5-8日, 广州.
Deming Dong*, Liwen Zhang, Zhiyong Guo, Xiuyi Hua. Composition of extracellular polymeric substances in stream biofilms colonized for different periods and their interaction with pentachlorophenol. Goldschmidt 2015. Prague, Czech. August 16-21, 2015.
Xiuyi Hua*, Deming Dong, Ming Li, Dapeng Liang, Zhiyong Guo. Effects of biogenetic reactive oxygen species on organic pollutant degradation in the presence of visible light and natural biofilms. Goldschmidt 2015. Prague, Czech. August 16-21, 2015.
李明,花修艺*,董德明,梁大鹏,郭志勇。自然水体生物膜的生物活性对H2O2 生成的影响。第七届全国环境化学大会,S01-002,2013年9月22-25日,贵阳。
李耀睿,花修艺*,董德明,郭志勇,梁大鹏。颤蚓生物扰动作用对沉积物中Pb 和Cd 垂向迁移的影响第七届全国环境化学大会,S01-083,2013年9月22-25日,贵阳。
Lei Zhu, Zhiyong Guo, Xiuyi Hua*, Deming Dong, Dapeng Liang, Yingying Sun. Ammonia nitrogen removal from chlor-alkali chemical industry wastewater by magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation method. 2012 International Conference of Environment Materials and Environment Management (EMEM 2012), August 4 - 5, 2012, in Wuhan, China. (EI-CA)
Hua, X., Guo, Z., Dong, D., Zhao, F., Yu, G., Wang, C., Xu, D., 2011. Investigation on the preparation of calcium magnesium acetate as deicing salt using furfural wastewater. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering. Nanjing, China. June 24-26, 2011.(EI、ISTP收录)
Li, Y., Hua, X., Li, M., Dong, D., Lan, X., Guo, Z., Liang, D., 2011. Measurement of freely dissolved PAH concentrations in overlying water and sediment using low density polyethylene. The 2011 International Conference on Bioengineering, Chemistry and Environment Science. Nanjing, China. June 24-26, 2011.(EI、ISTP收录)
Qiao, Q., Hua, X., Dong, D., Li, T., Liang, D., Li, Y., 2011. Effects of tubificid bioturbation on release of Cd and Zn from capping sediments. 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection. Xi’an, China. May 20-22, 2011.(EI、ISTP收录)
Hua, X., Zhou, J., Li, M., Dong, D., Liang, D., 2011. Applicability to use the method of adsorption followed by extraction to determine the contribution of surface coating components to metal adsorption. The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health. Wuhan, China. May 10 - 12, 2011.(EI、ISTP收录)
Hua, X., Dong, D., Qiao, Q., Li, T., Liang, D., 2011.The effects of overlying layer on the release of Cd and Zn from contaminated sediments promoted by bioturbation of tubificids. International Conference on Environment and Health (SEGH 2011). Ormskirk, UK. April 11 - 15, 2011.
Dong, D., Hua, X., Zhao, X., Chen, Y., 2011. Effects of chemical composition of soil solution on the adsorption and vertical transport of Cr(VI) and As(V) in farmland soil. International Conference on Environment and Health (SEGH 2011). Ormskirk, UK. April 11 - 15, 2011.
Dong, D., Hua, X., Liu, L., Zhang, G., 2010. Adsorption of heavy metals by suspended particulate matter, deposited sediments, natural surface coatings and their components in aquatic environment. International Conference and Workshops of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health on Environmental Quality and Human Health (SEGH 2010). Galway, Ireland. June 27 - July 2, 2010.
Dong, D., Hua, X., Liu, L., Zhang, G., 2008. Adsorption of heavy metals by suspended particulate matter, deposited sediments, natural surface coatings and their components in aquatic environment. The 2nd Australia-China Symposium on Science, Technology and Education. Gold Coast, Australia. October 15-18, 2008.
Hua, X., Lü, J., Dong, D., Zhao, X., 2008. Impact of tubificids bioturbation on speciation of heavy metals in sediment. The International Symposium on the Conservation of Water Resource and Environment & 6th International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation. Changchun, China. September 29-30, 2008.
Dong, D., Hua, X., Liu, L., Zhang, G., 2008. Adsorption of heavy metals by suspended particulate matter, deposited sediments, natural surface coatings and their components in aquatic environment. The International Symposium on the Conservation of Water Resource and Environment & 6th International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation. Changchun, China. September 29-30, 2008.
Dong, D., Zhao, X., Hua, X., 2008. Study on mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in unsaturated zone and aquifer. The International Symposium on the Conservation of Water Resource and Environment & 6th International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation. Changchun, China. September 29-30, 2008.
Dong, D., Hua, X., Liu, L. and Lu, Y., 2007. Heavy metals scavenging and adsorption by suspended particulate matter, deposited sediments, natural surface coatings and their components in aquatic environment. 4th Asian-Pacific International Conference on Pollutants’ Analysis and Control. Beijing, China. October11-14, 2007.
Dong, D., Hua, X., Liu, L. and Lu, Y., 2007. Heavy metals scavenging and adsorption by suspended particulate matters, deposited sediments, natural surface coatings and their components in aquatic environment. 1st Sino-Hungarian Workshop on Toxic Substances in the Environment. Wuhan, China. September 19-21, 2007.
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